Boronia Park Public School

Friendship, Harmony, Cooperation and Respect

Telephone02 9817 2778

School Council

The aim of the Boronia Park Public School Council is to enable formal participation by the school community in the planning and the direction of school activities and to provide a forum for the teachers, parents, and community to work together to set future goals and directions for the school.

Parent involvement and participation at BPPS

The involvement of parents and caregivers at Boronia Park Public School (BPPS) is very rewarding and enhances and enriches the education and extra-curricular opportunities for students. Partnership between the school and its community provide for the growth and development of the school in a constructive and collaborative manner that benefits all students, teachers and families. The School Council works alongside the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) and other bodies which actively contribute to the school.

The School Council Constitution

The School Council Constitution has been reviewed and endorsed by the parents and teachers.  

Constitution Document (PDF)

Policy Statement

A school is a community of people, comprising students, teachers, administrative staff, parents, volunteers, as well as other schools, community organisations, local government, and the wider community.

In internal communications, all members of the school community have the right to privacy, whilst ensuring ongoing opportunity to participate in school activities. It should not be necessary to compromise the privacy and dignity of individuals in order to maintain open lines of communication among various segments of the school community.

The intention of this policy is to:

  • Protect the privacy of all individuals involved in the school, at any level or in any capacity.
  • Encourage the involvement of parents, families and community members in school activities.
  • Facilitate the smooth and effective working of the school through the use of clear and consistent lines communication.
  • Ensure that communication processes remain up-to-date as new communication technologies come into use formally or informally in the school community.

This policy is to be implemented in the context of departmental policies including those relating to:

  • Access and Equity
  • Computers and Internet
  • Personnel complaints and conduct
  • School activities
  • Administration and management of information, devices, and data
  • Work Health and Safety
  • (Parent) Voluntary School contributions
  • Student Records
  • Student Wellbeing
The School Council has developed a Parental Code of Conduct to ensure that students at Boronia Park Public School benefit from an active and engaged parent and carer community.
Email list

Have your say on important issues at Boronia Park Public School. Email any of the council members at the following email addresses:

  • President - Katherine Peters (
  • Parent Representative - Ben Hall (
  • Parent Representative - Breanne Porter ( 
  • P & C President - Jae Radican (
  • Teacher Representatives - April Butler, Liz Alcock and Caitlin Rawnsley