The safe and efficient running of this area is paramount and is ensured through our execeutive staff.
Thank you to all the parents that help to make drop-off/pick-up zone safe for all our kids plus keep local traffic flowing.
Morning drop off - set up 9:00am
- Cars pull up in drop off zone.
- First two spaces at the front of the zone are to let children out with their bags and hats.
- Children will only exit the car in the first two car spaces at the front of the zone.
- Children to enter the school via the driveway gates.
- Car proceeds safely out of the drop off zone.
- Parents dropping children off at the drop off zone need to ensure that their children have been kissed and hugged and have all their belongings on their laps ready to exit the car. Parents and Caregivers are not to exit their car for any reason.
Afternoon pick up
- Children will wait with the teacher by the gate at the front of the drop off zone.
- Execeutive teachers direct cars to the front of the zone, where they will call out the name displayed on the front window.
- Children will only enter the car in the first two car spaces at the front of the zone.
- If the child is not there, parent/caregivers must do a lap around the block and re-enter the parking zone.
- Staff will assist children into the car.
- Staff are not responsible for fastening seatbelts or placing school bags in the car boot. If a child cannot fasten their own seatbelt then the child's parent must park the car and walk to the school to pick up the child.
- Car safely exits the zone.