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Boronia Park Public School

Boronia Park Public School

Friendship, Harmony, Cooperation and Respect

Telephone02 9817 2778

P&C Association

The Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C)

One of the great strengths of Boronia Park Public School is its multi-talented and highly engaged parent community.

The P&C is a school-based, parent-led group that is open to all parents/carers and staff at the school. It is run by an elected executive committee, made up of volunteer parents.

The P&C provides a general forum for discussion on issues that affect the school and its community and in discussion with the Principal, assists in developing ideas and initiatives for managing them. It also organises social events and manages facilities such as the canteen and uniform shop.

When do we meet?

The P&C meets on the 3rd and 9th Monday of each school term. Meetings are held at 7pm in the school library, you can join online via zoom.

Our meetings include a report from the Principal which is often an informative insight into what is happening within the school operations, an update from all our committees and an opportunity for you to ask questions and have your say. 

The committees

Our Executive Committee are volunteers elected into these roles at our AGM each year, which is held in November.  Any Boronia Park Public School parent or carer who might be interested in one of these roles, please contact

There are a number of committee groups within our P&C. They are: Creative Arts, Canteen, Sponsorship and Sports Co-ordinator.  If you are interested in contributing to and or joining these committees, please contact the committee convenors indicated on this page.

Parent Representatives

Executive Committee

President  – Vacant     (

Secretary – Simon Fleet (

Treasurer – Nick Lefevre (

Fundraising – Sukeetha Raj (

Communication – Tash Woods (     

P&C Committee Conveners

Canteen – Amy Caceres (

Sponsorship – Nicole Stevens

Uniform Shop -                   (

Creative Arts  – Keong Chow (

Sports Co-ordinator – John & Elise McLachlan (

Working Bee - Tom Hollings

About P&C Fundraising

Why do we raise money?

Government funds allocated to the school can only be stretched so far.  School Voluntary contributions requested in the school statement are capped by the Department of Education and enhance funds available for the school.

The P&C raise money to supplement resources, facilities, equipment and services available to our students. 

How do we know how much to raise?

The fundraising target is determined by the P&C based on discussions with the school Principal and parents. To continue to support the resources required to maintain the quality of our school and accommodate the growing numbers of students at the school, our fundraising target each year is approximately $100,000.  Examples of the distribution of these funds are listed below:

  • $45,000 - $50,000 is donated to the school each year to supplement the salaries of the School Learning Officers (SLSO) and support education and learning MiniLit and Quicksmart programs.
  • Allocation of funds towards major school projects such as new junior play equipment, refurbishment of the Bristol Building, new school fencing, building of the COLA, installation of artificial grass, providing the Library and each class with Comboxes.
  • We also have a $5000 wish list amount available each year for last minute low cost items eg, additional music stands and netball uniforms.

How do we raise money?

Throughout the year, the P&C Fundraising and Events committee organises a range of social activities and other initiatives to endeavour to meet the annual fundraising goal.

The committee focuses on a small number of activities each year to minimise the demands on the parent community time and resources. This approach only works when all initiatives are well supported. 

Parents are encouraged and welcome to join or lead any of the event teams organising these activities.  Please contact our Events and Fundraising committee.

How do we spend the money?

At the end of the P&C financial year, the amount of funds available is determined and the proposals used to generate the fundraising goals for the next year are reviewed.  In consultation with the Principal, if there are other items that are still required, these can be considered and proposed for spending by a motion at a P&C meeting. 

What if we don't reach the annual goal?

If the total fundraising goal is not reached the P&C executive and in consultation with the Principal, will consider options and make recommendations to the membership for adjusted spending.  This may include a proportional reduction to all requests, fully funding some and partially or not funding others.  This may result in a reduction or withdrawal of the resources, activities, projects or programs currently provided, or a substantial increase in the number of fund raising activities that parents are asked to support throughout the year. 

What if there is surplus?

Any unallocated funds will be retained and used in subsequent years for other projects as determined by the P&C.