Boronia Park Public School

Friendship, Harmony, Cooperation and Respect

Telephone02 9817 2778


By the end of Stage 2, students ask questions and use efficient mental and written strategies with increasing fluency to solve problems. They use technology to investigate mathematical concepts and check their solutions. Students use appropriate terminology to describe and link mathematical ideas, check statements for accuracy and explain their reasoning.

Students count, order, read and record numbers of up to five digits. They use informal and formal mental and written strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Students use mental strategies to recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts. They use informal written strategies for multiplication and division of two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Students represent, model and compare commonly used fractions, and model, compare and represent decimals of up to two decimal places. Students perform simple calculations with money and solve simple purchasing problems. They record, describe and complete number patterns and determine missing numbers in number sentences. Students recognise the properties of odd and even numbers.

Students estimate, measure, compare, convert and record length, area, volume, capacity and mass using formal units. They read and record time in hours and minutes, convert between units of time, and solve simple problems involving the duration of time. Students name, describe and sketch particular three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes. They combine and split two-dimensional shapes to create other shapes. They compare angles using informal means and classify angles according to their size. Students use a grid-reference system to describe position, and compass points to give and follow directions. They make simple calculations using scales on maps and plans.

Students collect and organise data, and create and interpret tables and picture and column graphs. They list all possible outcomes of everyday events, and describe and compare chance events in social and experimental contexts.

Here are useful links with tips on how you can help your Year 3 child at home:

Here are useful links with tips on how you can help your Year 4 child at home:

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