The P&C AGM is held in November at 7.30pm in the school library each year. The specific date will be advertised in the school newsletter closer to the date.
All adult members of the school community are invited to attend and elect office bearers. At the AGM we:
- Acknowledge the incredible work of the volunteers on all our P&C committees.
- Give some thought to what we can improve on next year.
- Elect our P&C office bearer positions and available School Council Parent Representative.
Some important things to know:
- All members of the school community are able to attend any meeting of the P&C and join up for the annual fee of 50 cents.
- To be eligible to VOTE at a meeting, you must have attended AT LEAST ONE other P&C meeting in that calendar year. If you’re not sure about that, contact our Secretary at
P&C Executive
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Communications
- Fundraising & Events (Suggest this position to be for 2 parents)
P&C Coordinators
- Music and Performance Liaison
- Canteen
- Uniform Shop
- Sports
School Council
- Parent Representative
(Please note each role is a 2 year term)
All current positions for the P&C board will be declared vacant and new appointments will be made during the AGM. These roles are listed below along with a brief description of their key responsibilities:
- PRESIDENT Chairs each P&C meeting. Manages and leads discussion and deployment of all initiatives that are channeled through the P&C Board and liaises with the Principal.
- PRESIDENT ‘ELECT’ Position to shadow the President for the full year and then succeed him/her for the President role the year after.
- SECRETARY Keeps all the P&C affairs and records in order on a central shared drive. Drives agenda & minutes for all meetings.
- TREASURER Manage the accounts for the P&C, producing basic budgets and P&Ls for the year. Counter of the cash. A great role for someone who is well organized & good with excel!
- TREASURER ‘ELECT’ This position will shadow the incumbent Treasurer and then take on the bean counting the following year.
- FUNDRAISING & EVENTS Takes charge of our incredible parent workforce and guides the events & fundraising agenda for the coming year. Events may include: Welcome to Boronia BBQ, Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day stalls and breakfasts, Parents’ Night, Spring High Tea. Ideal for 2 or 3 parents to do together!
- FUNDRAISING & EVENTS ‘ELECT’ – sign up required for a 2 year term Position that will shadow the incumbent Fundraising & Events Co-ordinator.
- COMMUNICATIONS Assists the President & overall P&C Committee with Communications to the broader parent community via school newsletter, social media and class parents.
- MUSIC & PERFORMANCE LIAISON Creative collaboration with our fabulous music staff & any other inspirational opportunities that present for extra-curricular creative pursuits.
- CANTEEN Let your inner Master Chef free by working with our Canteen Managers and committee to provide our fabulous in-house gourmet offerings to our kids.
- UNIFORM This area has now been outsourced to Golden Leaf but it will still require a dedicated representative to liaise with both the external & internal requirements of dressing our BPPS children in their uniforms.
- SPORTS Collaborate with the school staff and marshall the parent volunteers to ensure all of our sports events run smoothly throughout the year.
- SCHOOL COUNCIL PARENT REPRESENTATIVE Take information and feedback from the school community, and collaborate with community and staff council representatives on School Plans, direct policy and other school programs.
Should you wish to nominate for any of the P&C positions then please complete the nomination form prior to the AGM and submitt it to the Secretary of the P&C ( or leave your form in the P&C drawer in the main school office.
The school relies heavily on funds coming from the initiatives set out and managed by the P&C. Initiatives include events such as our Welcome to Boronia BBQ, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Stalls, Parents’ night, Spring High Tea and Activitython as well as the canteen, uniform shop, school gardens, SLSO’s (School Learning Support Officers) and ad hoc items. All of these P&C initiatives enhance the features and benefits of Boronia Park Public school.
The success of our P&C is held entirely in the hands of our parents and carers who volunteer. These individuals are instrumental in contributing to our fantastic school environment. The fruits of their labour can be enjoyed by the children learning in air-conditioned and well-equipped classrooms, cavorting in the well-maintained playground, using new sports equipment and borrowing new books from the library or receiving some extra support from a school learning support officer.
You can download the Nomination for Office Bearer form here. Below is an image of the form.
P&C Committee